Spring Annotation - @PostConstruct
Executing specific methon in initializationAnnotation explanationSpring annotated @PostConstruct annotation on a method, means the method is executed immediately after this Java Bean is instantiated by Spring before instantiating other Beans. @P...…
Vim 入门:基础
为工作或者新项目学习足够的 Vim 知识。我还清晰地记得我第一次接触 Vim 的时候。那时我还是一名大学生,计算机学院的机房里都装着 Ubuntu 系统。尽管我在上大学前也曾接触过不同的 Linux 发行版(比如 RHEL —— Red Hat 在百思买出售它的 CD),但这却是我第一次要在日常中频繁使用 Linux 系统,因为我的课程要求我这样做。当我开始使用 Linux 时,正如我的前辈和将来的后继者们一样,我感觉自己像是一名“真正的程序员”了。真正的程序员,来自 xkcd学生们可...…
Seaborn 调色板使用方法
选择调色板颜色在图像风格中比起其他元素显得更为重要。当合理有效地使用颜色时,数据模式会被凸显出来;反之,则会被掩盖。这里有很多数据可视化中关于颜色使用的优秀资源,我推荐阅读这些 Rob Simmon 的博客文章以及这篇更加学术性的论文。 此外,matplotlib 文档也提供了一篇很好的教程来说明一些内置Colormap的感知属性。seaborn让您在选择与您处理的数据类型和可视化过程中搭配的配色方案变得简单。import numpy as npimport seaborn as snsi...…
An online judgement 2019.03.17
1. Rotate upper letters and lower letters in a stringDifficulity: ✩ Give a string s, rotate all lower letters (a-z) to upper letters (A-Z), and process the same way for upper letters. Input: ‘uuuCCKsf(.’ Output: ‘UUUcckSF(.’Use Python string libr...…
RESTful API design in Python
1. RESTful API and applicationRepresentational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for creating web services. Web services that conform to the REST architectural style, or RESTful web servi...…
Markdown learning notebook 01
1. What is Markdown?Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. It is designed so that it can be converted to HTML and many other formats using a tool by the same name.2. Why Markdown?It is a writing language which...…