
Lingxu Meng's personal blog

Information Technology student graduated from BUPT and now learning in UNSW.

Markdown learning notebook 01

1. What is Markdown?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. It is designed so that it can be converted to HTML and many other formats using a tool by the same name.

2. Why Markdown?

It is a writing language which is very easy to master and it can help writers concentrate on writing without wasting time on the layout of the article. When we are writing technical blog, using Markdown is the best solution to write concise and logical blog and save time. This markup language is also designed cross-platform. Which means you can use Mac/Windows/Linux or even a website to make your own creation. Learning Markdown is a basic skill in many industries nowadays, it is common used in GitHub and other companys’ technical documentation. We have many light tools to write articles with Markdown and have no deed to download any softwares. This artical is written on Dillinger. An online Markdown editor.

3. Markdown grammar

3.1 Title

Almost the same as HTML language, Markdown use ‘#’ to state the title, comparing with <h1> to <h6> from '#' to '######'. For example:

  • # Header 1
  • ## Header 2

3.2 Bold and italic text

  • **Bold** —- Bold
  • __Bold__ —- Bold
  • *Italic* —- Italic
  • _Italic_ —- Italic
  • ![Picture](Picture's link)
  • ![Picture](


  • [Link name](Link address 'Text')
  • [YouTube]( 'YouTube')


3.4 Reference

  • > Here is a reference
  • Here is a referece. And here is more indroduction to Markdown

3.5 Code inserting

def function():
    print('Hello World')

RESTful API design in Python

1. RESTful API and applicationRepresentational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for creating web services. Web services that conform to the REST architectural style, or RESTful web servi...…
