
Lingxu Meng's personal blog

Information Technology student graduated from BUPT and now learning in UNSW.

An online judgement 2019.03.17

1. Rotate upper letters and lower letters in a string

Difficulity: ✩

Give a string s, rotate all lower letters (a-z) to upper letters (A-Z), and process the same way for upper letters. Input: ‘uuuCCKsf(.’ Output: ‘UUUcckSF(.’

Use Python string library could provide a straightforward solution

import string
def rotate_letter(s):
    l = list(s)
    for index, letter in enumerate(l):
        if letter.islower():
            l[index] = letter.upper()
        elif letter.isupper():
            l[index] = letter.lower()
    return ''.join(l)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    s = input()

2. Statistic letter show times in a string

Difficulity: ✩✩

Give a string s, make a statistic of letters and order by frequency, if several letters have the same frequency, order by natural order (a-z) Input: hufosniuosfbyvgugbyuceca Output: u:4; b:2; c:2; f:2; g:2; o:2; s:2; y:2; a:1; e:1; h:1; i:1; n:1; v:1;

Firstly, for python, this is a hash problem, make a dict and a counter will help to make this statistic.

>>>> input: 'hufosniuosfbyvgugbyuceca'
s = input()
c = Counter(s)
>>>> ouput: Counter({'h': 1, 'u': 4, 'f': 2, 'o': 2, 's': 2, 'n': 1, 'i': 1, 'b': 2, 'y': 2, 'v': 1, 'g': 2, 'c': 2, 'e': 1, 'a': 1})

Secondly, let’s do the sorting part. Sorting a list or dictionary with only one key could be easy.

# sort the dict by value in desc
print(sorted(c.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
>>>> output: [('u', 4), ('f', 2), ('o', 2), ('s', 2), ('b', 2), ('y', 2), ('g', 2), ('c', 2), ('h', 1), ('n', 1), ('i', 1), ('v', 1), ('e', 1), ('a', 1)]

We may notice that the the order of keys with same value are still inn their string’s first show order ('f', 2), ('o', 2), ('s', 2), ('b', 2), ('y', 2), ('g', 2), ('c', 2). Then here comes the problem with ordering a list / dictionary with two keys. Plus, the second key is not numeric. To deal with this problem. We can use ord() to convert a letter into it’s ascii number. Then, we use two keys in the sort part.

sorted_c = sorted(c.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1],-ord(x[0])), reverse=True)
>>>> output: [('u', 4), ('b', 2), ('c', 2), ('f', 2), ('g', 2), ('o', 2), ('s', 2), ('y', 2), ('a', 1), ('e', 1), ('h', 1), ('i', 1), ('n', 1), ('v', 1)]

Finally, decorate the output part as required.

output = []
for item in sorted_c:
    output.append(str(item[0]) + ':' + str(item[1]) + ';')
>>>> output: u:4; b:2; c:2; f:2; g:2; o:2; s:2; y:2; a:1; e:1; h:1; i:1; n:1; v:1;

Now, we are done~

3 Decimal to letter

Difficulity: ✩✩ Same as Leetcode 168 Excel Sheet Column Title.

Given a list of positive integers, return a list of corresponding column titles as appear in an Excel sheet. Translate rule: 1 -> A, 2 -> B, 3 -> C … 26 -> Z, 27 -> AA, 28 -> AB …. Input: [1, 28, 701] Output: [“A”, “AB”, “ZY”]

Let’s see the relationship between the Excel sheet column title and the number:

A   1     AA    26+ 1     BA  2×26+ 1     ...     ZA  26×26+ 1     AAA  1×26²+1×26+ 1
B   2     AB    26+ 2     BB  2×26+ 2     ...     ZB  26×26+ 2     AAB  1×26²+1×26+ 2
.   .     ..    .....     ..  .......     ...     ..  ........     ...  .............   
.   .     ..    .....     ..  .......     ...     ..  ........     ...  .............
.   .     ..    .....     ..  .......     ...     ..  ........     ...  .............
Z  26     AZ    26+26     BZ  2×26+26     ...     ZZ  26×26+26     AAZ  1×26²+1×26+26

Now we can see that ABCD=A×26³+B×26²+C×26¹+D=1×26³+2×26²+3×26¹+4 But how to get the column title from the number? We can’t simply use the n%26 method because: ZZZZ=Z×26³+Z×26²+Z×26¹+Z=26×26³+26×26²+26×26¹+26 We can use (n-1)%26 instead, then we get a number range from 0 to 25.


def convertToTitle(n: int) -> str:
    import string
    letters = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
    result = []
    if n == 0:
        return ""
    while n > 0:
        result.append(letters[(n-1) % 26])
        n = (n - 1) // 26
    return ''.join(result[::-1])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    numbers = input()
    return [convertToTitle(number) for number in numbers]

Welcome to share any interview questions and discuss together~


Seaborn 调色板使用方法

选择调色板颜色在图像风格中比起其他元素显得更为重要。当合理有效地使用颜色时,数据模式会被凸显出来;反之,则会被掩盖。这里有很多数据可视化中关于颜色使用的优秀资源,我推荐阅读这些 Rob Simmon 的博客文章以及这篇更加学术性的论文。 此外,matplotlib 文档也提供了一篇很好的教程来说明一些内置Colormap的感知属性。seaborn让您在选择与您处理的数据类型和可视化过程中搭配的配色方案变得简单。import numpy as npimport seaborn as snsi...…


RESTful API design in Python

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